Platform Economies
Research Network

On April 25 and 26, 2024, PERN and ADM+S convened a 2-day in-person conference at The New School in NYC to showcase programmatic research on data valuation.

Full conference program here.

Listen to the conference here.

A host of studies demonstrate the perils of digital platforms and automated systems: algorithmic bias, algorithmic harm, data privacy, and deep fakes. What is less clear are the myriad ways that digital platforms structure economic/financial relations and transactions in the first place. Understanding processes of data valuation is a crucial aspect of broader inquiries into the promises and perils of digital platforms.

This 2-day conference showcased programmatic research on data valuation. Each session considered the question: How do platforms produce value and monetize those value forms? The sessions were designed to stimulate discussion about value forms and valuation processes through particular lenses: digital assets, Web3 tokenization, digital twins, automated optimization, and generative AI. The discussions considered the extent to which standard concepts (rent, commodity, property, accumulation) were relevant to these cases and examine continuities and discontinuities across different modes of digital value production.

The event opened with a keynote conversation on Generative AI featuring Julian Thomas (ADM+S) and Jean Burgess (ADM+S), moderated by Paul Dourish (PERN).

This conference inaugurated collaboration between the Platform Economies Research Network and The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society.

Conference: Digital Platform Economies – Value from Data? April 25-26, 2024

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